I stopped in at Trentham Falls on the way back from the morning school run for a quick uni fix on the KH20. I thought I had warmed up enough but ~30 mins in tweaked a muscle in my right leg, same one as during night trials last week. You get that I guess, jumping around in the dark… DOH!
When it comes to sports injury relief a popular treatment in Australia is Rapigel which funnily enough is ‘For Animal Treatment Only’, specifically horses and dogs. Buying Rapigel from a horse/rural supplies store often involves the two sided charade of ‘So this is for your horse? Yes this is for my horse’… 😉

According to the makers of Rapigel:
Rapigel provides a clean and easy method to deliver cold therapy to joints, tendons and muscles. Rapigel provides rapid effective relief from pain, swelling and inflammation for a wide variety of injuries and conditions.
There isn’t much in it – menthol, camphor and alcohol. It’s gooey stuff but feels GREAT when the ice pack effect kicks in, which can be prolonged by using bandages.
Listen to Pete’s Rapigel Testamonial
Take it easy for a day or two on the uni, especially trials, and it should be good to go.
Neigh, neigh to you all 😀
Be careful with camphor!