It may look like a fairly nondescript gadget but Exposure’s Boost Cable is indeed a ‘cunning little device’ that lets you power USB devices e.g. smartphones using energy stored in Exposure’s range of SPT lights and piggyback cells.
The Boost Cable connects directly into the Smart Port at the rear of Exposure lights, or to Exposure’s triple and single Piggyback Cells via a connector.
Recently I completed a a night ride along the Goldfields Track from Dayelsford to Castlemaine during which I wanted to have several GPS mapping and tracking apps running on my smartphone as well as use the phone along the way to take photos and snippets of video. Like most smartphones the battery life of my HTC One X is relatively poor. Solution? Power the phone with an Exposure Triple Cell Piggyback via the Boost Cable. Four hours later and after constant use the phone was still fully charged. Sweet!

For something that is really quite useful the Boost Cable is easy to miss on the Exposure web site. Whether that is in any part due to it being at odds with Exposure’s Cable Free Design (CFD) mantra is hard to say, but in this age of power hungry smartphones, accessories such as Exposure’s Boost Cable are definitely worth factoring in when deciding on a light system.