I’ve racked up close to 500km on the 2020 Turbo Levo in the first 2 weeks, split between South Hobart and the Meehan.

My go to track for setting up the suspension is Drops, a black diamond once illegal now official technical rocky single track descent which just happens to be just around the corner from where we live.

On an eMTB you can do 7-8 runs of Drops per hour, perfect for fine tuning the front and rear suspension. It features a bunch of tech rock, roots, drops and a few jumps.

For now I’m reasonably happy with the setup. it definitely feels better than my old Levo ever did, most of which I put down to Spesh finally fitting a decent fork to the alloy Comp spec level. I’m running 4 tokens in the Lyrik at 80psi, and 180psi in the rear shock. I could probably go to 5 tokens in the fork, but for now it’s OK. I’d more likely do an airshaft and cartridge upgrate. The rear shock ships with a full complement of volume spacers, and is only just acceptable. Reckon a bigger rear shock is in order.

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