Spent a few hours this afternoon working on the Gully track with Ken, clearing fallen burnt out trees and re-aligning a section of track. After the recent fire the Gully is one seriously blackened dust and ash bowl.
One benefit of a torched landscape is that terrain usually camoflaged by bush is bare arsed for all to see — from a MTB point of view it’s a good opportunity to reassess the trail network and maybe try something new.
New section of trail should be good, just need a little rain and riders to bed it down, and with a bunch of fallen trees removed everyone should be able to fang around a few of the trails again.

In other hippie news, things are going OK in neck land which is a huge relief TBH. I’ve ridden very little the last six weeks or so which (apart from driving me more nuts than usual) has no doubt helped things settle down, not to mention get maximum gains from the treatment. The plan is to progressively get back into riding, drug free — I’ve lost a bunch of fitness since the crash in June, it’s going to be progressive anyway 😛
Good to hear you’re getting back on track Pete! Looking forward to seeing some pics of the bush when it starts regrowing all colours of the green spectrum….. 🙂
Heya dmac, you still on oz?
Yeah looking forward to some green myself, it’s Castle-mange ATM.
ever so briefly Pete. Been all over the countryside in the last 3 weeks, clocked up 4500km in my little white car! back in adelaide again next week for a few days, then out of oz for the last time on december 21st! crazy times! flick me an email if you’re going to be in Melbourne anytime before dec. 21st. cheerio!