After a run of wet and cold weather it felt great to get out on the Mojo HD again, with refreshed legs too. Apart from fallen branches and debri the trails were in prime condition – damp but grippy.
During the break it turned out that the Mojo HD needed some love. The White Lightning Wet Lube I’ve been using is like a gunge magnet, heaps of crap had built up on the drivetrain in only a short time. I had just started cleaning it down and noticed a spoke had failed in the rear wheel, in addition to one I’d kinked a while back. A quick trip to The Bike Vault got it sorted, thanks Pete and Mike! After a summer of riding the chain and chain ring are looking fairly ordinary too, so some goodies are on the way to get that sorted.

It was a cold and overcast Winter’s day but once warmed up it felt great to be out. It seems like we’ve had no shortage of drama lately, a fang around the bush is just what doctor mojo ordered.

If the weather hangs in there I’m hoping to participate in a Mountain Bike Orienteering event over the weekend, should be good fun, so I didn’t go too crazy today – gotta leave some fuel in the tank!