After the drought ending rain earlier in the year the woods are jam packed with an amazing display of wildflowers this Spring. On a fine Saturday afternoon bizarrely you don’t come across anyone else out on the trails. It makes for great riding in a selfish kind of way but the lack of people out there enjoying the bush verges on a wrong you want to right. With a fuel reduction burn scheduled over Summer chances are it could be many years before the woods will look like this again.
Wheeling back into home on dark I wondered if the empty trails in some way reflected dominant MTB culture which seems to be centered around racing, where riding is reduced to reasons — preparation and training, competing, a long way removed from the heart and soul of riding — the freedom, the flow, the thrill, the adventure, the sensory overload as the mass of wildflowers blur into a sea of color… cruising the woods.
Each to their own I guess, but it’s a bummer methinks.

Hi Pete,
A shame you feel that we’re all about racing in Castlemaine. We run 2 races per year and a fun dirt-crit series in the warmer months. The rest of the time we’re out on the trails much like you. You know we run a shop ride and a club ride through the week which we’d really love to see you at if the timing suits? That said I also love being out there solo and acknowledge there’s a totally different vibe. Each to their own I guess…?
Andy Bos (CVRR Treasurer)
ps. Spoke to Pete and Garry about the upcoming Bress Express the other day. A few of us from the club are pretty keen to head out for some fun and meet a few new faces. Might see you out there…?
pps. Cool website btw. Always enjoy trying to pick where the photos are from!! 🙂
Hiya Andy, it was a broad comment about MTB culture generally, not CVRR. It was only the empty trails on such a spec’y day that triggered the ramble.
The MASARG fundraiser at Bress should be a fun way for anyone who enjoys riding a bike to give back to the community in a meaningful way.
Thanks re the site. It’s always fun to look back months later and go oh yeah, that’s what I was rambling about back then 🙂