I haven’t had my 29 GUNI long but already it seems 29 is not a great wheel size for off road GUNI. The longer cranks required to handle 1:1.5 make 1:1 not especially useful, and 1:1.5 doesn’t seem to suit much terrain either. I’m quite surprised to be honest, but the shifting is sweet and I’m glad I’ve become familiar with GUNI on a 29 which is generally no drama when it comes to falling off – it feels so small compared to a 36, almost like a 24.
Speaking of drama though, a problem seems to be brewing with one of the cranks on my GUNI – at Sclumpf’s recommended torque settings the crank continues to get pushed closer and closer to the uni frame. Argh!

So an executive decision has been made, I’m going to swap the geared hub over into a 36!